
Questão sobre Adjetivos: Introdução


Originais Teachy

Adjetivos: Introdução


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Questão Fácil de Inglês

In a small English town, there is an annual race for students. The participants come in all shapes and sizes, and each has their unique qualities. As part of an interview with a local newspaper, the organizers are describing the latest race and the contenders. Jodie was astonished by how the organizers used different adjectives to talk about the students. She noticed that some were being described as 'fast' and 'tall', while others as 'slow' and 'short'. It suddenly occurred to her that the adjectives used were all around her, on banners and in the conversations she overheard. Jodie realised that these adjectives were crucial in helping people understand the students' performance and appearance. She decided to make a list of these adjectives and sort them into two groups that would best describe the students. According to the story, what are the key adjectives used to describe the students in the race, and how would Jodie categorize them based on their meaning?
The key adjectives used to describe the students in the race are 'big', 'small', 'large', and 'tiny'. Jodie would categorize them based on their physical build.
The key adjectives used to describe the students in the race are 'old', 'young', 'new', and 'ancient'. Jodie would categorize them based on their age.
The key adjectives used to describe the students in the race are 'red', 'blue', 'green', and 'yellow'. Jodie would categorize them based on their favorite colors.
The key adjectives used to describe the students in the race are 'clever', 'funny', 'brave', and 'kind'. Jodie would categorize them based on their personality traits.
The key adjectives used to describe the students in the race are 'fast', 'tall', 'slow', and 'short'. Jodie would categorize them based on whether they describe the students' speed or their height.


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Conectores são palavras ou expressões que estabelecem relações lógicas entre partes de um texto. No idioma inglês, eles são cruciais para a coesão e coerência, ajudando a guiar o leitor na compreensão das relações entre as ideias apresentadas. Considerando o trecho de um texto narrativo em inglês onde um personagem está refletindo sobre suas ações passadas e futuras, identifique e explique o efeito de dois conectores utilizados para demonstrar contraste ou oposição. Em seguida, justifique a escolha desses conectores com base no contexto apresentado, discutindo como eles contribuem para a compreensão do conflito interno vivido pelo personagem.


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