
Questão sobre Indicativo de Perguntas e Respostas: Introdução


Originais Teachy

Indicativo de Perguntas e Respostas: Introdução


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Questão Média de Inglês

In a science class, the teacher is discussing the life cycle of a butterfly with the students and the importance of different body parts in the process. During the English segment of the class, the teacher introduces the concept of metamorphosis and asks the students to apply their understanding of this process along with the use of 'wh-' questions in English. Given a passage about the stages of a butterfly's life cycle, students are tasked to form appropriate questions about the needs of the butterfly in each stage. The question should help identify how the butterfly's needs change as it progresses from one stage to the next. For example, 'What does the caterpillar need to do before it becomes a chrysalis?' This question helps explore the specific needs of the caterpillar stage in preparation for metamorphosis. Write a question that aligns with the context of the butterfly's life cycle, incorporates the 'wh-' question structure, and requires understanding of the changing needs of the butterfly as it undergoes metamorphosis.
When does the egg develop into a caterpillar?
Why is the caterpillar stage important in the life cycle of a butterfly?
What does the caterpillar need to change into a chrysalis?
How does the adult butterfly find food for its young?
Where does the chrysalis get its energy for metamorphosis?


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