
Questão sobre Indicativo de Perguntas e Respostas: Introdução


Originais Teachy

Indicativo de Perguntas e Respostas: Introdução


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Questão Média de Inglês

Read the following conversation between Emily and her teacher Miss Johnson. Then answer the question that follows. Emily: Miss Johnson, can you tell me how to form questions in English using the past simple tense? Miss Johnson: Of course, Emily. When forming questions in the past simple tense, we usually start with the auxiliary verb 'did', followed by the subject, then the main verb in its base form. For example, 'Did you finish your homework?' Now, based on Miss Johnson's explanation, can you identify the correct way to ask a question in the past simple tense?
The correct structure for questions in the past simple tense is to begin with the base form of the main verb, then the subject, and finally the auxiliary verb 'did'.
When forming questions in the past simple tense, the subject comes after the main verb and the auxiliary verb 'did'.
Start a question in the past simple tense with the subject, then use the main verb in its base form, and finally the auxiliary verb 'did'.
To ask a question in the past simple tense, use the main verb followed by the subject and the auxiliary verb 'did'.
The correct way to ask a question in the past simple tense is to start with the auxiliary verb 'did', followed by the subject, then the main verb in its base form.


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Presente Contínuo

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