
Questão sobre Imperativo


Originais Teachy



(Originais Teachy 2024) - Questão Difícil de Inglês

The imperative mood in English is a form that is used to give commands, make requests, or offer advice. This form of speech is commonly found in various daily-life sources, which include but are not limited to, instructional manuals, public notices, and speech directives. A well-known example of the imperative can be found in emergency procedures, where clarity and brevity are critical for public safety. Consider a scenario where you are responsible for designing an emergency evacuation plan for a public facility. In order to effectively communicate the necessary steps to the public, you decide to employ the imperative mood in your instructions. Your objective is to create a set of clear and concise directives using appropriate and grammatically correct imperatives to ensure maximum safety. If your primary concern is the swift and efficient evacuation of individuals who may not be fluent in English, how would you incorporate cultural sensitivity into the language and structure of your imperatives to guarantee universal understanding without causing panic or confusion?
Crie instruções imperativas que sejam loquazes e detalhadas, fornecendo uma explicação completa das razões por trás de cada ação, para promover a compreensão total do público.
Ao redigir as instruções imperativas, é importante usar uma linguagem formal e repleta de termos técnicos para assegurar que todas as possíveis situações de emergência sejam cobertas.
Para garantir a segurança sem causar pânico, as instruções imperativas devem ser escritas exclusivamente em inglês, para manter a clareza e evitar confusões devido a múltiplos idiomas.
Evite o uso de pictogramas e ícones, pois eles podem ser interpretados de maneira diferente por pessoas de diferentes culturas, o que poderia aumentar a confusão durante uma evacuação.
Para incorporar sensibilidade cultural na linguagem das instruções imperativas de um plano de evacuação, use linguagem simples, ícones/pictogramas, tradução em vários idiomas, mantenha cores/design consistentes e treine o pessoal para auxiliar.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id consequat justo. Cras pellentesque urna ante, eget gravida quam pretium ut. Praesent aliquam nibh faucibus ligula placerat, eget pulvinar velit gravida. Nam sollicitudin pretium elit a feugiat. Vestibulum pharetra, sem quis tempor volutpat, magna diam tincidunt enim, in ullamcorper tellus nibh vitae turpis. In egestas convallis ultrices.
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In English, the present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are happening at the moment of speaking or to talk about temporary situations. For example, 'I am reading a fascinating book right now' indicates an action in progress at the present moment, whereas 'The company is expanding into new markets' describes a temporary situation that is currently occurring. Consider the following excerpt from an article about current environmental initiatives: 'Scientists are developing new methods to reduce carbon emissions, and companies are increasingly investing in sustainable technologies.' (Source: Environmental Progress, June 2023, www.envprogress.com) Based on your understanding of the present continuous tense, analyze the use of this grammatical structure in the given context and address the following points in your response: 1. Identify and explain the function of the present continuous tense in each of the two examples from the article. 2. Discuss how the use of the present continuous tense contributes to the overall meaning of the sentence and the sense of ongoing progress in environmental efforts.

Presente Contínuo

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Considerando o uso dos prefixos e sufixos no desenvolvimento de palavras em inglês, analise o seguinte trecho do poema 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' de T.S. Eliot: 'Measured out with coffee spoons.' Refletindo sobre o contexto histórico e cultural em que Eliot escreveu, como o uso do sufixo 'ed' e o prefixo 'un' podem afetar o significado e a interpretação do verso em relação ao tema mais amplo do poema? Em outras palavras, como a escolha de 'Measured' ao invés de 'Unmeasured' e a ausência do sufixo 'ing' podem refletir as preocupações do eu-lírico com ordem e repetição, que são temas recorrentes no Modernismo Anglo-Americano?

Prefixos e Sufixos

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Dificuldade Difícil


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Analyze the following excerpt from an advertisement and consider the stylistic and persuasive language features used to influence the audience. 'The pinnacle of luxury and innovation. Indulge in the flawless sophistication of our latest model, where every detail has been crafted to redefine excellence. Through a seamless fusion of technology and artistry, this vehicle epitomizes elegance in motion. Experience the future of driving, tailored to exceed the expectations of the most discerning drivers.' Thinking critically about the language choices and the underlying rhetorical strategies in the advertisement, answer the following questions: 1. How does the advertisement use language and rhetorical techniques to create an image of the product as sophisticated and advanced? 2. Discuss how the advertisement employs the concept of 'ethos, logos, and pathos' to appeal to the target audience and the potential impact of these appeals on consumer behavior.

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