
Questão sobre Passado Contínuo


Originais Teachy

Passado Contínuo


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Questão Difícil de Inglês

During the early 20th century, the Industrial Revolution had a profound impact on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the time. One of the most significant changes was the transition from agricultural to industrial labor, which often involved long, arduous workdays in factories. In the context of this historical period, consider the diary entry of a factory worker from the year 1915, which vividly describes their routine using the past continuous tense to emphasize the ongoing nature of their activities: 'I was working tirelessly on the assembly line when the foreman was shouting orders from across the floor.' Analyzing the use of the past continuous tense in this diary entry, discuss how it reflects the nature of the worker's daily experiences and the persistent demands of industrial labor. Additionally, consider the linguistic implications of the past continuous tense in portraying the continuity of actions in the past and how this grammatical aspect can be used to express the historical impact of the Industrial Revolution on individual lives.
O uso do 'past continuous' no diário do trabalhador reflete a natureza contínua e incessante das atividades laborais durante a Revolução Industrial e transmite a sensação de ações prolongadas e repetitivas no passado.
A escolha do 'past continuous' no diário sugere que o trabalhador tinha muitas pausas e momentos de descanso durante o seu dia de trabalho.
O 'past continuous' no diário mostra que o trabalhador e o capataz estavam realizando tarefas ocasionais e não rotineiras na fábrica.
O 'past continuous' é usado no diário para indicar que as ações foram completadas rapidamente, o que era comum durante a Revolução Industrial.
O uso do 'past continuous' no diário indica que o trabalhador estava se preparando para iniciar o trabalho, o que era típico da época.


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Modal verbs are a unique subset of English verbs that express necessity, possibility, permission, ability, and obligation. They are often used to modify other verbs, and each has its own nuances and rules for usage. Modal verbs can be complex because their meanings can change based on context, and they don't usually inflect for tense or person. Consider the following examples: 'You should study harder for the exams.' ('Should' implies a recommendation or advice.) 'She can play the piano.' ('Can' reflects ability.) 'Students may not leave the classroom until the bell rings.' ('May' expresses permission or possibility.) Based on your understanding of modal verbs, analyze the role and meaning of two different modal verbs in the sentences provided. Explain how changing the modal verb in each sentence might alter the meaning or appropriateness in a given context.

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Conectores são palavras ou expressões que estabelecem relações lógicas entre partes de um texto. No idioma inglês, eles são cruciais para a coesão e coerência, ajudando a guiar o leitor na compreensão das relações entre as ideias apresentadas. Considerando o trecho de um texto narrativo em inglês onde um personagem está refletindo sobre suas ações passadas e futuras, identifique e explique o efeito de dois conectores utilizados para demonstrar contraste ou oposição. Em seguida, justifique a escolha desses conectores com base no contexto apresentado, discutindo como eles contribuem para a compreensão do conflito interno vivido pelo personagem.


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In today's globalized world, the English language plays a pivotal role in various aspects of our lives, such as communication, education, and business. It is not only a tool for connecting with people from different cultures, but also a key asset in accessing information and opportunities worldwide. Discuss how the relevance of English has expanded beyond being just a language and has become an essential skill for success in the modern world. Consider its impact on areas like entertainment, academic research, and international career prospects, and provide examples to support your argument.

Inglês, Brasil e o Mundo • 'EF06LI24, EF06LI25'

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Dificuldade Fácil


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In a small English town, there is an annual race for students. The participants come in all shapes and sizes, and each has their unique qualities. As part of an interview with a local newspaper, the organizers are describing the latest race and the contenders. Jodie was astonished by how the organizers used different adjectives to talk about the students. She noticed that some were being described as 'fast' and 'tall', while others as 'slow' and 'short'. It suddenly occurred to her that the adjectives used were all around her, on banners and in the conversations she overheard. Jodie realised that these adjectives were crucial in helping people understand the students' performance and appearance. She decided to make a list of these adjectives and sort them into two groups that would best describe the students. According to the story, what are the key adjectives used to describe the students in the race, and how would Jodie categorize them based on their meaning?

Adjetivos: Introdução

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