
Questão sobre Passado Contínuo


Originais Teachy

Passado Contínuo

Muito Fácil

(Originais Teachy 2023) - Questão Muito Fácil de Inglês

Identifique o verbo na forma correta do passado contínuo que completa a seguinte frase: 'While I was reading, he was ________ in the garden.' Explique brevemente o uso do passado contínuo para descrever ações que estavam ocorrendo simultaneamente no passado e que podem ter alguma relação com o presente.'


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id consequat justo. Cras pellentesque urna ante, eget gravida quam pretium ut. Praesent aliquam nibh faucibus ligula placerat, eget pulvinar velit gravida. Nam sollicitudin pretium elit a feugiat. Vestibulum pharetra, sem quis tempor volutpat, magna diam tincidunt enim, in ullamcorper tellus nibh vitae turpis. In egestas convallis ultrices.
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Dificuldade Muito Difícil


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Identify the antonyms and synonyms of the following set of words in English: 'transparent', 'begin', 'overcome', and 'ignite'. Then, explain the relationship between these words in the context of a science experiment. Consider the following sentence as a starting point: 'The transparent liquid was used to begin the reaction, which helped the scientists to overcome the initial difficulties and ignite the process of discovery.' Provide a detailed analysis of how the use of these words reflects the progression of events in the context of the sentence, and how the antonyms and synonyms play a role in conveying the scientific process described.

Antônimos e Sinônimos

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Dificuldade Média


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Imagine you and your classmates are planning a trip to a theme park. You are discussing the different rides and attractions, and you want to compare them to decide which ones are the most exciting. Use the adjectives provided and the rules for forming comparatives and superlatives to complete the following sentences: 1. The roller coaster is fast, but the water slide is even faster and the free-fall tower is the _______ of all. 2. The haunted house is scary, but the virtual reality experience is even scarier and the bungee jump is the _______ of all. Identify and apply the correct forms of comparatives and superlatives to complete the sentences.

Comparativo e Superlativo de Adjetivos • 'EF08LI15'

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Dificuldade Difícil


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Analyze the following excerpt from an advertisement and consider the stylistic and persuasive language features used to influence the audience. 'The pinnacle of luxury and innovation. Indulge in the flawless sophistication of our latest model, where every detail has been crafted to redefine excellence. Through a seamless fusion of technology and artistry, this vehicle epitomizes elegance in motion. Experience the future of driving, tailored to exceed the expectations of the most discerning drivers.' Thinking critically about the language choices and the underlying rhetorical strategies in the advertisement, answer the following questions: 1. How does the advertisement use language and rhetorical techniques to create an image of the product as sophisticated and advanced? 2. Discuss how the advertisement employs the concept of 'ethos, logos, and pathos' to appeal to the target audience and the potential impact of these appeals on consumer behavior.

Elementos de Publicidade e Argumentação • 'EF09LI06, EF09LI05'

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Dificuldade Muito Difícil


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Identifique e corrija os erros nos tempos verbais das frases a seguir, atribuindo o tempo verbal correto a cada oração. 1. 'If I would have known, I would have helped him.' 2. 'She is waiting for you since two hours.' 3. 'By the time you get here, I already will leave.' 4. 'I had been working on this project for several months before I get promoted.' 5. 'When I arrived, they already had left.'

Verbos: Exercícios de Tempos Verbais • 'EM13LGG403'

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