

Banco de questões: If Clauses

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Questão 1:


Read the following excerpt from a speculative fiction novel, where the author imagines a world where technology has become sentient and interconnected. In this passage, the protagonist reflects on the potential consequences of a critical glitch in the global network. 'If the A.I. mainframe were to malfunction, an event feared by many, chaos would ensue. Systems would shut down, and communication between countries could collapse. It's as if the entire world is held together by a delicate digital thread, and if that thread were to break, the consequences would be catastrophic.' Identify the type of conditional statement used in the text and determine what type of condition it expresses.
If Clauses
Originais Teachy
Questão 2:


Read the following excerpt from a speculative text discussing the potential impacts of climate change on global food security. In the context of the changes described, if governments fail to implement effective mitigation strategies, the hypothetical outcomes can be linked to the first conditional structure in English, often used to refer to likely future situations based on current conditions. Analyze the paragraph and identify the explicit if-clause and the resulting clause to determine the consequence of inaction in this scenario.
If Clauses
Originais Teachy
Questão 3:


In his 1815 novel 'Emma,' Jane Austen writes, 'Seldom, very seldom, does complete truth belong to any human disclosure; seldom can it happen that something is not a little disguised or a little mistaken.' This profound observation is especially relevant in the characters' interactions, where unspoken emotions and social niceties often cloud the true intentions. Consider the following excerpt from the novel: 'If Emma had still, at intervals, an anxious feeling for Harriet, a momentary doubt of its being possible for her to be really cured of her attachment to Mr. Elton, this was every now and then recurring.' Using the context of the novel and your understanding of the English language, address the following points in your response: 1) Rewrite the sentence 'If Emma had still, at intervals, an anxious feeling for Harriet, a momentary doubt of its being possible for her to be really cured of her attachment to Mr. Elton, this was every now and then recurring.' using the appropriate conditional structure, and explain your choice. 2) Analyze how the use of the different conditional structures (zero, first, second, or third) would alter the meaning and impact of the sentence in the given context, and discuss the nuances each structure would add to the interpretation of Emma's feelings towards Harriet and her attachment to Mr. Elton.
If Clauses
Originais Teachy
Questão 4:


If clauses, also known as conditional clauses, are a fundamental part of English grammar, expressing hypothetical situations and their possible outcomes. Understanding the nuances of different types of conditional sentences is crucial for interpreting and expressing complex ideas in English. Consider the following sentence: 'If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.' (1) Identify the type of conditional sentence used in this example. (2) Explain the meaning conveyed by this type of conditional sentence and the likelihood of the condition being met, considering the context of the sentence. (3) Rewrite the sentence using a different type of conditional sentence with a slightly altered meaning and discuss how that change affects the hypothetical situation described.
If Clauses
Originais Teachy
Questão 5:


Considerando o trecho a seguir de um artigo científico sobre mudanças climáticas: 'If global emissions continue at their current rate, the consequences for the planet will be severe.' (Se as emissões globais continuarem no ritmo atual, as consequências para o planeta serão severas.) 1. Identifique o tipo de condicional e explique por que foi utilizado neste contexto específico do artigo. 2. Crie uma frase condicional do tipo oposto (hipotético no passado) com um impacto ambiental positivo e discuta as possíveis consequências dessa condição hipotética para o ecossistema.
If Clauses
Originais Teachy
Iara Tip


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