
Questão sobre Indicativo de Perguntas e Respostas: Introdução


Originais Teachy

Indicativo de Perguntas e Respostas: Introdução


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Questão Média de Inglês

Read the following passage about the Solar System and the order of planets from the sun. 'The Solar System consists of the Sun and the various celestial objects that are bound to it by gravity, including the eight major planets and their natural satellites (moons), dwarf planets, and countless small bodies like asteroids and comets. The eight major planets, in order from the Sun outwards, are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Now, consider the given passage and arrange the planets in the correct order starting from Neptune and moving towards the Sun.'
The correct order of the planets starting from Neptune and moving towards the Sun is: Neptune, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Earth, Saturn, Venus, Mercury.
The correct order of the planets starting from Neptune and moving towards the Sun is: Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury.
The correct order of the planets starting from Neptune and moving towards the Sun is: Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Venus, Earth, Mars, Mercury.
The correct order of the planets starting from Neptune and moving towards the Sun is: Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury.
The correct order of the planets starting from Neptune and moving towards the Sun is: Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Mercury.


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