
Questão sobre If Clauses


Originais Teachy

If Clauses


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Questão Difícil de Inglês

In a complex analysis of contemporary post-apocalyptic fiction, a literary scholar interprets that these narratives often serve as cautionary tales about the consequences of global inaction. The scholar argues that authors employ 'if...then' constructions not only to imagine the outcomes of different actions (or inactions) but also to comment on present-day social, environmental, and political issues. Consider the following excerpt from a post-apocalyptic novel: 'If the governments had heeded the warnings of scientists, then the catastrophic climate events might have been averted. But now, as the last remnants of civilization struggle to survive, there seems to be no way back.' In the given context, identify the type of 'if...then' construction used in the passage and determine its hypothetical meaning in relation to the narrative's discourse on global repercussions.
A oração condicional utilizada no trecho é do tipo 'zero conditional', que trata de fatos gerais e científicos que sempre resultam em uma ação específica.
A oração condicional mencionada no trecho é uma mistura de 'first' e 'second conditional', pois fala sobre uma situação hipotética no futuro com uma consequência que parece improvável.
A oração condicional utilizada no trecho é do tipo 'third conditional', que fala sobre uma situação hipotética no passado e suas possíveis consequências no passado, mas que não ocorreram.
A oração condicional presente no trecho é do tipo 'second conditional', que discute situações hipotéticas no presente ou futuro e suas possíveis consequências improváveis.
A oração condicional empregada no trecho é do tipo 'first conditional', usada para falar sobre situações reais no presente ou futuro e suas possíveis consequências.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id consequat justo. Cras pellentesque urna ante, eget gravida quam pretium ut. Praesent aliquam nibh faucibus ligula placerat, eget pulvinar velit gravida. Nam sollicitudin pretium elit a feugiat. Vestibulum pharetra, sem quis tempor volutpat, magna diam tincidunt enim, in ullamcorper tellus nibh vitae turpis. In egestas convallis ultrices.
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Modal verbs are a unique subset of English verbs that express necessity, possibility, permission, ability, and obligation. They are often used to modify other verbs, and each has its own nuances and rules for usage. Modal verbs can be complex because their meanings can change based on context, and they don't usually inflect for tense or person. Consider the following examples: 'You should study harder for the exams.' ('Should' implies a recommendation or advice.) 'She can play the piano.' ('Can' reflects ability.) 'Students may not leave the classroom until the bell rings.' ('May' expresses permission or possibility.) Based on your understanding of modal verbs, analyze the role and meaning of two different modal verbs in the sentences provided. Explain how changing the modal verb in each sentence might alter the meaning or appropriateness in a given context.

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Dificuldade Fácil


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In today's globalized world, the English language plays a pivotal role in various aspects of our lives, such as communication, education, and business. It is not only a tool for connecting with people from different cultures, but also a key asset in accessing information and opportunities worldwide. Discuss how the relevance of English has expanded beyond being just a language and has become an essential skill for success in the modern world. Consider its impact on areas like entertainment, academic research, and international career prospects, and provide examples to support your argument.

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Dificuldade Muito Difícil


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Identify the antonyms and synonyms of the following set of words in English: 'transparent', 'begin', 'overcome', and 'ignite'. Then, explain the relationship between these words in the context of a science experiment. Consider the following sentence as a starting point: 'The transparent liquid was used to begin the reaction, which helped the scientists to overcome the initial difficulties and ignite the process of discovery.' Provide a detailed analysis of how the use of these words reflects the progression of events in the context of the sentence, and how the antonyms and synonyms play a role in conveying the scientific process described.

Antônimos e Sinônimos

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Dificuldade Muito Difícil


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Rewrite the following sentence using the comparative form of the adjectives provided and explaining how the change impacts the meaning of the sentence: 'The elephant is big, but the hippo is bigger.' Use the adjectives 'big' and 'heavy' to create a sentence that includes both the comparative and superlative forms. Then, relate the concept of size and weight to physics, explaining how the mass of these animals relates to concepts of force and acceleration, and discuss the implications of these differences in a hypothetical scenario where both animals are required to climb a steep hill.

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