
Questão sobre Passado Contínuo


Originais Teachy

Passado Contínuo


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Questão Média de Inglês

Read the following excerpt from a historical novel set in the midst of the Industrial Revolution: 'The workers were toiling away, their faces smudged with soot, as the great machines roared like unforgiving beasts. It was a time of immense change, and the very air seemed to vibrate with the relentless march of progress.' Considering the context of ongoing actions in the past, describe the scenes depicted in the passage using the Past Continuous tense in English. Explain how this tense helps to convey the sense of ongoing or continuous action that is crucial for understanding the historical setting of the Industrial Revolution. In your response, also discuss how the use of this grammatical structure enriches the reader's experience by creating a vivid and immersive portrayal of the time period.


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The following text is an extract from 'Matilda' by Roald Dahl: 'The parents, instead of applauding her, called her a noisy chatterbox and told her sharply that small girls should be seen and not heard.' In this sentence, what is the author's perspective about Matilda's parents' attitude towards her communication in the family context?

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Identify the antonyms and synonyms of the following set of words in English: 'transparent', 'begin', 'overcome', and 'ignite'. Then, explain the relationship between these words in the context of a science experiment. Consider the following sentence as a starting point: 'The transparent liquid was used to begin the reaction, which helped the scientists to overcome the initial difficulties and ignite the process of discovery.' Provide a detailed analysis of how the use of these words reflects the progression of events in the context of the sentence, and how the antonyms and synonyms play a role in conveying the scientific process described.

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In today's globalized world, the English language plays a pivotal role in various aspects of our lives, such as communication, education, and business. It is not only a tool for connecting with people from different cultures, but also a key asset in accessing information and opportunities worldwide. Discuss how the relevance of English has expanded beyond being just a language and has become an essential skill for success in the modern world. Consider its impact on areas like entertainment, academic research, and international career prospects, and provide examples to support your argument.

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Imagine you are planning a surprise birthday party for your best friend, and you need to make sure that everything is organized perfectly. Write a paragraph describing the preparations you will make and the tasks you and your friends are going to complete before the big day. Use a variety of future tenses, including 'will' and 'going to', to explain your plans and intentions.

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